Set in the backdrop of Punjab in the 1980s, Jodi is a musical journey of two talented and passionate artists who redefine the Punjabi folk music while falling in love with each other. With their love growing stronger, a shroud of mystery envelopes their path. Sitaara is a musician without audience. Kamaljot is in love with him and accompanies him on stage. Improvising a song, she gets fame. Kamaljot and Sitaara will have to challenge their ego to make true love win.
Category | South Indian |
File Size | 2.61 GB |
Imdb Rating | 10 / 10 |
Video Quality | 1080p BluRay |
File Type | mkv |
Play Time | 02 H 23 M |
Release Date | 2023-05-05 |
Language | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ |
Views | 2 |
Downloaded | 0 |
Set in the backdrop of Punjab in the 1980s, Jodi is a musical journey of two talented and passionate artists who redefine the Punjabi folk music while falling in love with each other. With their love growing stronger, a shroud of mystery envelopes their path. Sitaara is a musician without audience. Kamaljot is in love with him and accompanies him on stage. Improvising a song, she gets fame. Kamaljot and Sitaara will have to challenge their ego to make true love win.