Adapted from a sensational real-life case in 2013, the intricate story begins when a young man partners with his friend to murder and dismember his pa...More. Trailer Watch Now
In a world dominated by superstition, a family's quest to reunite with their departed patriarch leads them down a chilling path. They resort to a Ritu...More. Trailer Watch Now
When a mole in an intelligence unit leads to the murder of an undercover spy, a hardened agent relentlessly pursues him to avenge the death.. Trailer Watch Now
Returning from a personal loss and a six months suspension, Archana Prasad, an assistant commissioner of police is assigned with the responsibility to...More. Trailer Watch Now
Loganathan, a senior cop is asked to mentor Prakash, an academically bright but faint-hearted and needs to overcome his fears in order to succeed. Th...More. Trailer Watch Now